Sunday, January 04, 2009

On retreat

I'm in Gloucester, at a little coffee shop in the small downtown. I have a cup of tea and am sharing a table with a couple waiting for their yoga class. The place is packed, it looks like a stop for lots of people on their way to or from yoga class. And the free wireless seems an attraction as well...

I still feel like I've brought too much along. The ultimate packing list:

  • clothes etc.
  • two pillows (despite having thrown the Ignatian principle of not "re-discerning" something to the winds on this one, I don't think I'm going to regret it!)
  • tea and electric tea kettle (and a travel mug, so I didn't have to pack two, I left my usual mug home and the kettle because the water for tea here in the summer was tepid at best and while I'm all for being ascetic, that penitential I'm unwilling to commit to just yet)
  • my knitting
  • The Lord of the Rings (on my iPod to listen to....the BBC version...and the books)
  • my camera (I did promise pictures)
  • Breviary, journal, bible and my favorite translation of the psalms
Thanks to one and all for their advice...

I've left various and sundry posts to appear on the blog, and written ahead for the Standard and Times, so in some way, I'll still be inhabiting this space. See you all in a few weeks...


  1. If you are still there ~ have a wonderful retreat!

  2. I know you won't read this for weeks now, but love and prayers go with you as you begin. I got all excited as I read "in Gloucester"...because, actually, i didn't know that there was a transatlantic cousin to my own cathedral city, though rationally of course I realised you couldn't possibly be jsut half an hour up the road as your Ignatian experience begins.
    May it be a huge blessing

  3. Praying for you as you travel through your retreat. hope you IPod snuck a little music in there too.
