Sunday, March 14, 2010

Frantic Camels

A couple of years ago on retreat, I happened on this snippet from Jeremiah: a frantic she-camel running in all directions bolts for the desert... (Jer 2:24) It was quite by accident, my director had sent me to Isaiah for that afternoon's contemplation -- but this verset kept edging its way back in, and I kept dutifully stuffing it down and returning to my assigned Isaiah. My director's advice the next day? You need to pay attention to the camels...

These last weeks, I have been frantically running about (and I keep a date book - so there should be no excuse!), wishing I could bolt for the desert. The next few weeks promise pulls in many directions, and not much desert time to be had. I suspect it's time for some camel herding again.


  1. the lack of a date book has only zapped me a couple times ... good luck with those camels

  2. I'm working on retreating around the same time as you. The camels are coming, the camels are here...

  3. Another camel-herder checking in ... thank you for the verse! It spoke to me immediately!

    (I almost hate to say that it almost went on my "to do" list!)

  4. oh, yeah... to do lists... another thing that I don't bother with ;')

  5. Camel herders unite!!
