Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Parsing the universe

I've two more trips coming up (to a conference in Virginia where I'm giving a keynote address about writing, the contemplative mind and the whole person, and to celebrate with Robin). After the intensity of the last few weeks, I'm looking forward to curling up with a book of an evening. But what to read next?

Crash found this guide to NPR's list of 100 best SF and fantasy books. I've read most of the books on the list, but what I really enjoyed was the flow chart! Snarky but on point..."Like a little time travel with your love story?" "NO" "Tough" (points to Time Traveler's Wife and Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series).

So what should I read next? Thoughts? I'm tending toward fiction and zombies, please (I still feel too much like one after the jet lag for comfort!)>


  1. Have you read any of Rick Riordan's big kids/YA fantasy--i.e. the first 5 book Percy Jackson series, the first two in the second series, or the first two in the Egyptian mythology based Throne of Fire series? They are truly excellent and I have enjoyed them at least as much as my kids. Most recently Son of Neptune, Book 2 in the second PJ series, made for a fantastic sabbath day treat yesterday.

    My only small quibble is that he does a great job balancing gender and races among his leading characters but has yet to create even a small but sympathetic part for a gay or lesbian teen--even with consistent romantic overtones among cross-gender friends, and natural openings in two all female character groups. (Amazons like men fine, as long as they know their place--yeah, right). That would make such a difference for struggling LGBT teens, given the fame and publicity of the series. But he probably doesn't want to risk losing fundamentalist audience share or school reading choices in conservative areas, the way JK Rowling did with her positive portrayal of witchcraft.

    He also has an adult mystery series but I haven't gotten around to trying it.

  2. Anonymous5:13 PM

    "Light and Images" by Adrienne von Speyr . . . a luminous book by a luminous woman. (And very short and a 'simple' read!)
