Wednesday, July 03, 2013

RevGalBlogPals: The Graces of Galship

The Wednesday festival (I note there are few more minutes left in Wednesday here) at the RevGalBlogPals features posts on galship, however that has played out for each of us.

I joined the RevGalBlogPal (RGBP) blog ring in May of 2007, though I'm not (and cannot be) a reverend.  (I'm Roman Catholic, that should tell you all you need to know on that score.)  I had been blogging steadily for a couple of years, on this blog and my chemistry blog, and somehow happened on the RGBP.  I enjoyed reading the various voices, each wrestling with the way God was present in their lives and in the lives of those they ministered to (some of the stories have stuck with me for years (one in particular involving a wind, a flaming tablecloth and a baptismal font that still makes me laugh in wonder).

I started writing occasional posts for the RGBP blog, the first of which might be this review of Into Great Silence (the film) and An Infinity of Little Hours (a book about the Carthusians) and still write for the Sunday Afternoon Music Video feature (except when I forget to check my calendar!).

I love that the ring can wrap itself around many denominations, and around those ordained, seeking ordination, or those for whom this was not an option.  I have never been to a BigEvent, but have had many friendships grow from the RevGals nonetheless.  Friends to write with, to play Scrabble with (as a Lenten discipline, no less), to share meals with, to share faith with virtually and in real life.  Paul's letters bound a community of faith together through time and space, so I'm not surprised that our writings draw us together, and ever grateful for the support I find here for the writing that I now do.


  1. I'm so glad you are in my blog-life! Thank you for sharing. And oh yes, the flaming tablecloth--so awesome it has made it into a sermon of mine too! (though I'm not sad it happened to someone else...) :-)

    1. You didn't know whether to laugh or cry about the font being upended on the Pentecost candles...

      I'm glad to have you in my reader, too!

  2. I am thankful for all the RevGals who have come into my life!

  3. Michelle, thank you for the ways your gifts have graced us. It never fails that the video is something I needed to see and hear.

  4. I am so glad there is a place at the table for those of us who are not ordained. I love reading your blog posts. Thank you.

  5. Michelle, I stumbled upon your blog and I'm hooked. Thought provoking and amusing look at life through the lens of faith. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Jo!
