Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Augustine in weal and woe

Augustine giving the rule.  Detail, stained glass window.
Today is the Feast of St. Augustine, and for various reasons I couldn't be at Mass or morning prayer to celebrate with the Augustinian community.  I sat on the back steps and prayed the office, mostly sheltered from the rain that had just begun to fall.  I spent a bit of time reflecting on Augustine and his influence on my life, marveling a bit at how such connections seemingly breach the constraints of time.

Augustine has challenged me and comforted me.  He's been a source of consolation when faced with difficult questions.

Photo is of stained glass window on the south wall of my parish church.


  1. It is amazing to me how we are influenced and comforted by people who have lived so long ago and yet we feel as though we are connected. I feel that way about Saint Ignatius. It is the communion of saints and we are very connected by the Holy Spirit. Blessings to you on the Feast of St. Augustine.

    1. Thanks, Lynda...

      We tend to wing past the communion of saints (along with the forgiveness of sins!) in the creed, but I find it a daily consolation!
