Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Done is good.

There is a saying at Bryn Mawr, "Done is good." A way of reminding students (and ourselves) not to hang on to a project beyond its time, that the enemy of the good is sometimes the perfect. And also a reminder to celebrate what has been finished, that to finish something is itself an accomplishment.

The book of Lenten reflections I have been working on for the last six months is done, the last of the copy edits made and sent off. And it is good. At least I hope it is good!  But it has been nice to begin to clear up my office, to re-shelve the books (a selection of the books that I referred to in the text are in the photo: Augustine, Eliot, Levertov, Ignatius....). It's a chance to clear physical space to work, but also the mental space this writing has been holding in my brain.  To be done is a good thing.

So I should celebrate...a dinner out? a good movie with Math Man? A long walk? So many things I could do — but most of all what I crave is more time to read....books! I'm midway through Radium Girls, Kate Moore's compelling read about an industrial accident that played out in slow and awful motion, and have ordered Balaam's Donkey to dip in and out of.

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