Monday, February 24, 2025

Radishes and pomegranates

A delightful colleague and writer spoke last week about the different types of writing she does. Scholarly writing, long and deep, layered and expertly crafted. Like slow food from a Michelin chef. Then there are the journalistic pieces, like my op-eds, quickly written for a place and time. Fast food! 

But it is her description of the third space she writes in that I enjoyed. (For her it is long form fiction, for me, my essays and reflections.) It's like a cookbook that you bought to look at the recipes, she said. You cook only one or two of them. But it gives you ideas that simmer. And one day you may say to yourself, "perhaps radishes and pomegranates might work well together. And you try it."

Scrabble and Lenten penances? Will they go together? Read it and see!

So what kind of writing is the blog? In my household we call a meal put together from leftovers in the fridge “scrounge.”  When there's not enough meatloaf for a sandwich, or just a couple of spoonfuls of soup, there's what you can scrounge. Here are the bits and pieces that might or might not make a whole…essay, reflection, thing? And sometimes I scrounge around in this space, like the fridge, to see what I might put together into a whole.

And do radishes pair well with pomegranates? According to The Art and Science of Foodpairing they just might. They have similar aroma profiles: fruity, green and vegetable notes.

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