Thursday, January 30, 2025

Aliens in my office

Terrible things are happening in the world, and as sometimes it is more than I can take in, I am seeking refuge this morning in wonder and awe.

Today's mug comes from Rome, and features astronauts and an asteroid. Two pieces of writing are on my desk this week, both due soon. One about extraterrestrial intrusions (of the rocky sort, not the animate sort) and the second a reflection for the feast of St. Cecilia next November. You can guess which one I am working on this morning.

The piece on meteorites opens with the note that I keep three aliens in a Petri dish on my desk. Lest you imagine tiny creatures with six eyes and green skin jumping up and down in their glass prison, let me assure you that my aliens are inanimate. Well, at least I'm pretty sure they are, unless they are related to the Horta.1

The meteorites on my desk never fail to awe me. These were once in outer space. They are old, so very old, older than earth, as old as the solar system. Windows into times and places I have never been and will never be.

1. See "The Devil in the Dark" episode of the original Star Trek series.

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