Wednesday, November 07, 2012

How to spoil a snow storm

The snow began while I was teaching this morning, a delicate lace sheet rippling over the back parking lot.  After I finished the lecture, as I was packing up my tech gear, a student from warmer climes excitedly told me on the way out the door that this was the first time she had seen snow.  Voices of a couple more bubbled in from the hallway, wondering if there would be enough to play in.

"Think about the phase diagram of water," I called out encouragingly.  I turned back to see two of my East coast students looking at me in dismay.  "How to spoil a perfectly good snow storm..."   


  1. The picture has a delicate beauty but I looked at the link of the phase diagram of water and I can relate much more readily with the picture on the post. I took one chemistry course in university many, many years ago and fortunately, it was the only one I had to take - I think the prof was very happy about that.

    1. There are many different ways to have eyes on the world...I'm glad that we aren't all the same!

  2. sometimes i think you need little postscripts that have translations. i clinked to the link and immediately clicked off b/c i could feel my eyes spinning in my head. i greatly admire anyone who can make sense of that!

    1. This is a complicated one, have to admit!! But maybe a guided tour would be fun :)?

  3. Julianne4:28 PM

    I have just finished a session with some teenagers and parents on body image. Our starting point is the beauty of Creation, the goodness of the physical and our human dignity. I am not a chemist and I don't understand the phase diagram but I can see that God created with such complexity and detail that causes a sense of gratitude and wonder in me.

    1. I love the details of creation!

  4. The road to hell is paved with good chemistry and intentions!

    1. There is an old joke about hell and thermodynamics!
