Sunday, June 15, 2014

Perichoresis: Dancing Light

Photo is of light pouring down a glass staircase 
at Go'o Shrine on Naoshima Island, Japan.
A friend shared his delightful homily for Trinity Sunday, thinking I would enjoy the use of chemical bonding as a metaphor for the Trinity (which I did!).  In it the good deacon suggested meditating on Trinity, not as a noun — an object to be contemplated and theologized about — but as a verb — not the dancer, but the dancing.  Light rippling through the universe, as Robin preached so powerfully at Christmas.

I was the cantor at the vigil last night where we sang "How Wonderful the Three in One", which opens with "How wonderful the three in one, whose energies of dancing light are undivided..." and joked with the organist that it was an apt image for someone who does quantum mechanics for her day job!

About the installation at Go'o Shrine, by the artist Hiroshi Sugimoto, including a beautiful photo of the staircase from the bottom, light connecting heaven and earth.

Two more wonderful reflections for the Trinity:

Fran is reflecting about movement and the Trinity at There Will be Bread in Wheeeee! Some thoughts on the Trinity.  I love her Annie Lamott quote: "I didn’t need to understand the hypostatic unity of the Trinity; I just needed to turn my life over to whoever came up with redwood trees." and her image of the bottom dropping out of a carnival ride!

And Ennis Blue shared a poem with a title that I can relate to:  When the Holy Spirit danced with me in my kitchen
"the first thing I noticed was his arms,
thick and hairy like a bricklayer’s
with a tattoo of an anchor
as Churchill had.

‘Coming for a spin?’ he grinned,
in an accent more Geordie than Galilee,
and he whirled me
through tango, foxtrot and waltz
without missing a beat.

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  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

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